Monday, September 21, 2009

How To Get Article Ideas

By David Lim

The article marketing gurus tell us that getting 5 or 10 articles out there is just not going to cut it. The most prolific article writers in the article directories has written thousands of articles. When you first start to think of it, that's a lot of articles! But with a little diligence, a little creativity, and some helpful tips, it might just be manageable.

Write On Related Topics

A little imagination goes a long way. If you are selling clocks, you don't just have to talk about clocks. Talk about things that people interested in clocks would be interested in, or you can talk about the history of clocks, or what life would be like without clocks. There is really a thousand and one things that you can write articles on, just let your imagination run free.

Lists, Lists, And More Lists

A list is a great starting point for articles. The list can be about anything like a list of advantages of your product, places where your product can be used, or even reasons why one should not use your product. Write a short paragraph for each item on your list. Your list can basically be an article. And if your list is too long, split them into smaller lists, and make each of the smaller lists into an article.

Look At It Another Way

A whole spectrum of people will read your article. From a single article, you can write more articles based on the same points, but targeted at a specific demographic. Let's say you are selling sports equipment and you are writing about why one needs to keep fit. If you are writing for young single women, you might say that a well toned body is a big plus when attracting the opposite sex. If you are writing for married women, you might say that a well toned body is great for keeping their husbands interested.

If You Have No More Ideas For Articles...

If you keep writing, you may run out of ideas for new articles. It is quite unlikely as there are numerous permutations and combinations of articles that you can write about on any given topic and you would probably not have time to exhaust them all. But if you run out of ideas, do a web search on your topic. I'm sure that after a few searches, you will get lots more ideas, much more than you would ever have time to peruse.


There are really a lot of ways that even a single topic can be looked at and presented. Each of these ways can be a single article. And if you present a few points in a single article, each point can be expanded on and becomes another article. Do all of that for each topic that is related to the main topic, and you will probably have more ideas for articles than you have time for.

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